20 October, 2011

Ultrasonic accelerates healing of wounds

In the Royal infirmary in Glasgow use in quality wound healing means … ultrasonic, — shares BBC News.

Perhaps, though time in the life faced procedure of ultrasonic research everyone. For the first time to its diagnostics have applied still in the fifties last century. The next years uses scientists have opened that the ultrasound also possesses anti-inflammatory and absorbing properties.
Accident from Gary Denhemom has helped to learn about one more useful property of ultrasonic. The matter is that the patient about whom there is a speech, has fallen from six-metre height and has received eight crises of an anklebone. The trauma was so strong that it was threatened with extremity amputation.
Probably, the hopelessness has pushed Denhema to experiment: it has put gel on a probe and within 20 minutes the device appeared through its crises by ultrasound. As a result, the broken bone has grown together so quickly that all have counted recover of Gary almost as medical miracle. It and is not surprising, after all he   completely  has recovered in 4 months.
As has commented on this surprising effect surgeon-orthopedist Angus Maklin, most likely business in the raised vibration of cages under the influence of ultrasound. It, probably, stimulates process of regeneration of a bone fabric.
The course of similar uzi-therapy costs an order of 1 thousand pounds sterling, therefore while it practise only for patients with multiple fractures.

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