20 October, 2011

Scientists assert that the mankind has grown wiser to a limit

Some scientists have conducted parallel researches in the Cambridge university, and have come to unfavourable conclusions: the mankind in respect of evolutionary development of a brain has reached a limit, — shares Daily Mail.
So, researcher Sajmon Laflin asserts that the human brain can process limiting quantity of the information. It is caused by structure of a brain and its high energy needs.
Other group of the British scientists considers that for today all structures of a human brain are arranged as much as possible effectively. Besides, they also support the theory of Laflina, considering that all business in energy, which is required to correlate among themselves the files of the information arriving from different sources.
According to the third researcher – Edda Bullmora, it is necessary to add that high level IQ is defined by high speed of interaction neurons that besides demands energy. However, at each scientist today on this problem — the sight. Some even say that in the future everything that it will be necessary to make to parents is to hand over sperm and egg, and the rest will be made by doctors, not simply having impregnated a female cage, but also "having programmed" DNA on the necessary indicators. In particular, intellectual. That here you will tell, the future nearby... 

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