20 October, 2011

Fizkltura sprvitsya disease

"A sound mind in a sound body", — popular wisdom confirms. Scientists from Arnoldsky school of public health services (University of South Carolina), seemingly, managed to learn, why it is valid so, — shares Journal of Applied Physiology. 

According to the results, spent before researches, scientists have learnt, what even 20-30 minutes of physical culture in day promote that in an organism is formed more mitochondria. These organelles, as it is known, are power stations of a cage which participate in oxidation of organic connections. In process energy which is used mitochondriami for synthesis of molecules ATF is liberated.
The newest researches in this area have shown that thanks to physical activities the great number mitochondria is formed not only in muscles, but also in a brain. It in turn positively influences a memory state.
And regular employment by physical culture will be useful to patients who suffer from depression. According to the head of researchers Mark Devisa, physical exercises should become the obligatory making therapy, called to struggle with psychiatric and neurodegenerative illnesses.
And, certainly, it is not necessary to forget about rejuvenating effect of physical culture on all organism.

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