20 October, 2011

Scientists were surprised with regenerative abilities of heart of newborns

Scientists from University of Texas have found out that in the first day after a birth heart of mammals can recycle on 15 %, — informs magazine Science.

In experiments which were spent on newborn little mice, to it within several hours after a birth deleted 15 % of a top of stomachs of heart. The further supervision have shown that after that on a trauma place the clot of blood is formed and the inflammation begins. In twenty days the remote part of heart completely recycled, and the blood clot has resolved. It was besides found out that the new cages formed on a place removed, work «in a unison» as that were initially in heart.
The further experiments which were spent on mice of 2-7 days from a sort, have shown that the reclaiming potential dies away fantastic rates. By the end of the first week of life ability to self-healing of the big sites of heart completely fades. Then, during the subsequent life, the organism can "repair" itself exclusively at dot level.
According to scientists, all the matter is that at the moment of a birth the organism of a mammal partially reserves abilities of all evolutionary ancestors. It is known that in the course of the development the embryo gradually passes all stages from the elementary zygote to высокоорганизованного an organism. So, it is widely known about abilities to let grow new bodies, for example, tails at lizards. Fishes, in turn, during all life can restore to 20 % of the heart.

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