12 November, 2011

Cherry juice normalises a dream

At University of Northumberland have found out that cherry juice possesses soft somnolent effect.

To find out features of influence of cherry juice on a dream, scientists have addressed for the help to 20 healthy volunteers. To begin with from them took the urine analysis on the melatonin maintenance. It is known that this hormone is responsible for a dream and wakefulness cycle.
Further to half of examinees daily gave 300ml natural cherry juice, and second half – juice-platsebo.
During all time while experiment lasted, of a dream and wakefulness observed with the help aktiograficheskih gauges. Besides each volunteer wrote down features of the dream in a special diary.
It was found out that a week later sokoterapii participants who drank natural cherry juice, began to spend on the average to beds for 15 minutes longer, and for 25 minutes duration of a deep sleep increased. The urine analysis has shown that level of melatonin at them has increased by 15-16 %.

The best gifts for our native people, it is in what we put a part of the soul.

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